Pinehurst Kids

Sunday Groups
Creche 0-4 years.
Kids Work: Reception to year 6.
We have an exciting time discovering how special we are to God and how much Jesus loves us. We play games, do craft, activities, have great stories and lots of fun!
Little Pines
Pre-School Age
Little Pines meet every Wednesday during term time from 10am - 11.30am for a coffee and a chat while your toddlers play together. This is a great place to meet and to help, support and encourage each other.
It is £1 per family.
Please Note: If you would like to come along, you will have to join the waiting list. To do so, please e-mail: littlepines@pinehurst.org.uk

Pinehurst Youth
Year 7 to 13
Pinehurst Youth club runs every other Thursday in term time from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
For more information, email us on youth@pinehurst.org.uk