Your donations help towards our vision of seeing 'Lives transformed, transforming their community' and the general work we do.
Giving to Pinehurst is an investment into all of our ministries, in order to reach those who don’t know Jesus yet, and to make disciples.
You can give in a number of ways:
1. By Bank Transfer to account details below. Could you think about setting up a Standing Order?
Pinehurst Community Church
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00029567
2. By Debit or Credit Card
A simple and easy way to give, we accept most debit or credit cards. Please click HERE or on the image below to make a donation.
3. Giving Box
If you would prefer to give cash or cheques, please place your gift in the envelope provided and pop it into our giving box in the corridor outside the main hall.
As a UK charity, for every £1 you give, we can claim back 25p extra from HMRC, at no extra cost to you. If you pay UK income tax, you can give us permission to claim your gift aid by simply filling in a form.
Please fill in a Gift Aid Form by CLICKING HERE or email the office for more details.
Thank you!